Meet Madame Sharadha, the principle of Rural India StudentEducation (RISE) elementary school located in the small rural village of
Thimmanguthu near Pollachi, India. Fierce and determined she leads a team of ten
teachers to adopt an all English curriculum that is technological
advanced. Her passion and objective is clear, she wants to push the
boundaries of learning in the rural village.
Madame Sharadha (in middle) speaking with students |
First to graduate in her family, she holds a Master in Education
and is the breadwinner in her home. Highly respected, she walks with confidence
amongst the villagers and teachers, but one thing keeps Sharadha up at night,
her fear of technology. How can a woman so powerful and accomplished live a
life fearful of electrical devices designed to advance human life? The
capabilities of a laptop/computer and other electrical devices fascinate her
but she is still very weary of being a middle-aged female living in such a
technological world with limited knowledge of the field. As any great leader
Sharadha encourages her teachers and students to advance in the field
regardless of her shortfalls.
With the Computer Technology Program taking place this
summer Sharadha made a special request that we help her get over her fears of
using the computer because she knows education is the key to success. Learning
how to use a laptop and its applications can only help Sharahda and her vision
in turning the RISE elementary school into an advanced technology institution
for her students.
We salute Madame Sharadha on her mission and are very
thankful to help her reach goals.
To learn more about Madame Sharadha tune in for in-person
interviews on her progress and vision. (Please Note: Youtube clips will be public
after June21st)
I think our generation definitely takes for granted how today's technology can be quite intimidating to someone who's not used to constantly using their phones or wired to the Internet let alone someone who's never operated a laptop. Technological literacy is crucial to success in today's world.